Turn Off Your Phone Bluetooth and W!F! ?

Generally whatever is smart or other word smart devices does required internet to get update, or patches for security purposes and for acting more intelligently it required internet. Any software or device you can see around you someone has developed and does required changes so on, the developer or software engineer leave terminal or tunnel, from Cyber threat we called backdoors, Means Hackers aware of these terminologies or behaviors, they can easily get inside of your devices, but the most common vulnerabilities are wifi and Bluetooth.

Bluetooth Hacking, 

Professional hackers can use special software product to search for vulnerabilities, such as smart phone devices that support Bluetooth, when the hacker access your phone using Bluetooth they have access to all of the information available and the internet connection to access the web,the can run their scrip web based or  run their scripts in your Phone.... Let me add one more reason and point should be note it as well. once they accomplished their goal they leave another backdoors for future access..... Yes! Therefore make sure to not leave your Phone Bluetooth on all the time. 

Turn Off wifi On Your Phone If You Don't Need It! 

It is fairly easy for hacker to connect to your Phone using WiFi or Bluetooth, So turn them off when not needed there is no warning when a hacker attacks you, if you fear being hacked in a public space, turning off your phone can block a hackers abilities to hack you, or simply need to reboot your Phone,
most of the time the need to reestablish the session but this time you have turn off WiFi and Bluetooth 
probably when someone approached you and look at your so paralyzed, No worry he or she probably Hacker who missed the shot. Lol 

Stay protect, and be aware of these kinds of activities around you, especially while your in public areas.

