Open and Closed System | Information Technology

Any types of software whether you found online or offline, it does come with two types of platforms 

Open Source Software or Closed Source software, for example Firewalls you can find with purchased one and free or community version! such as ASA firewall which is Cisco propriety, IPFire  or Endian Firewall are built on top of Netfilter and trusted by thousand of companies worldwide but open Source software! 

What's Open Source System? 
Most of the time software developer working on project and the just run some test software or prototype before they hand over to the company these are untrusted software which is available in internet,
there're other Open Source System such as Android OS that leaded by Google company I can say that most of the these software are trusted, or most of the time the software code can be copied, modified or deleted by other users and organizations, websites such as wordpress are the open source software, 
any threat will be found and element by communities, from cast standpoint it's cheaper than closed system... but chances of hacking more than closed system because the code is available to everyone! 

What's Closed Source System  ?
Closed system is the opposite of Open source system, the software which is uses the proprietary and closely guarded code, such as Microsoft, Apple so on, they have hired software developers or engineers 
in order to protect their client confidential means the code is not lake and no one knows moreover they are using the same software such as Java, C++ or Python, means more safe and it's expansive way! for example if you start building your website from scratch.. Now Quality of support, and Security is the  Key for everyone.


